Ozark County Historium, Gainesville

Ozark County prides itself on being the “real Ozarks.” History and tradition play key roles in the county’s identity, as do two pristine lakes, two crystal-clear float streams, four historic mills and thousands of acres of scenic public land in the Caney Mountain Conservation Area and the Mark Twain National Forest.

Amid this bounty of riches, volunteers at the Ozark County Historium strive to preserve, cherish and share the county’s history.

The Historium, established by the not-for-profit Ozark County Genealogical and Historical Society, is housed in the former A.D. McDonald Mercantile building on the west side of the square in Gainesville, the county seat. Totally renovated from top to bottom, the 1920s-era building provides a beautiful and welcoming space for exhibits, meetings, classes and other gatherings.

Part emporium and part museum, the Historium is all about the unique culture and history of the county. Display cases around the perimeter of the room showcase artifacts from the county’s history. Quilt exhibits and other displays change seasonally. Local quilters meet there weekly to work on joint quilting projects. You can pull a chair up to the quilt frame, put on a thimble, and try your hand at making 12 stitches per inch. You could sign up for a basket-making class or stop in for a fiddling session or to hear a local old-timer talk about how things were done back in the day, such as plowing with a team of mules or turning cane sorghum into molasses.

The OCGHS, founded in 1986, purchased the building in 2010 and oversaw the renovation. In addition to the museum display cases and event space, the building houses a well-stocked genealogy library where a volunteer genealogist may help you find your roots, as well as a display area with maps, brochures and other local and regional information provided by the Ozark County Chamber of Commerce. The society has published several books and CDs about Ozark County, which are available at the Historium or from its online store. The Historium also offers locally made gift and craft items.

Ozark County Historium is located at 361 Main Street in Gainesville. It is open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, or by appointment. OCGHS membership is open to anyone with an interest in Ozark County and includes a subscription to the newsletter, The Old Mill Run, and quarterly meetings. Visit the website, OzarkCountyHistory.org, Ozark County Historium on Facebook or call 417-679-2400 for more information. Upcoming holiday events include the annual Christmas pageant and parade at 6 p.m. December 16 on the Gainesville square. For more tourism information, contact the Ozark County Chamber of Commerce at Ozark County.net or 417-712-9465.