• A pivot irrigation system keeps the field watered during the dry months of summer.

    A pivot irrigation system keeps the field watered during the dry months of summer.

  • Cotton blossoms spring up from the plants prior to turning to bolls.

    Cotton blossoms spring up from the plants prior to turning to bolls.

  • Bootheel Sunset

    Bootheel Sunset

  • Once bolls are open, the fields are defoliated after which the plants will drop their leaves.

    Once bolls are open, the fields are defoliated after which the plants will drop their leaves.

  • Some open fields are defoliated by planes.

    Some open fields are defoliated by planes.

  • The cotton is ready to pick.

    The cotton is ready to pick.

  • Cotton bolls begin to open.

    Cotton bolls begin to open.

  • Harvest time.

    Harvest time.

  • Cotton pickers traverse each field multiple rows at a time.

    Cotton pickers traverse each field multiple rows at a time.

  • A four-row picker clears a field.

    A four-row picker clears a field.

  • The cotton picker pulls the cotton from the stalk and bales it on the move.

    The cotton picker pulls the cotton from the stalk and bales it on the move.

  • Picked cotton is packed in round bales that are left in the field to be picked up by a local gin.

    Picked cotton is packed in round bales that are left in the field to be picked up by a local gin.

  • Cotton for miles around.

    Cotton for miles around.

  • Cotton for miles around.

    Cotton for miles around.

  • The cotton bales are transported to a local gin where they are offloaded.

    The cotton bales are transported to a local gin where they are offloaded.

  • The bales will remain on the lot until ginning.

    The bales will remain on the lot until ginning.

  • The packed bales enter the gin where they are torn apart to be cleaned.

    The packed bales enter the gin where they are torn apart to be cleaned.

  • The raw cotton contains dirt leaves and seeds that will be removed during the ginning process.

    The raw cotton contains dirt leaves and seeds that will be removed during the ginning process.

  • The ginning process begins.

    The ginning process begins.

  • Once the cotton is cleaned, it is compressed into bales that will be sold.

    Once the cotton is cleaned, it is compressed into bales that will be sold.

  • The bales will remain in a warehouse until they are sold.

    The bales will remain in a warehouse until they are sold.

Kennett Chamber of Commerce
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Kennett, Missouri 63857
(573) 888-5828 •
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